
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Plate of Antioxidants - Do you have one?

All Hail Antioxidants!

Antioxidants are Guardians for your cells.  They protect cells from free radical damage and assist in exporting toxins.  Many antioxidants are critical for immune function like Vitamin A and C, while others are required for hormone production like Selenium (required for thyroid hormone).  The National Parkinson's Association recommends supplementation with Vitamin E because of its proven role in protecting brain cells.  It is INCREDIBLE what goes on in the body - and the best part is that all we need to do is enjoy that apple, or handful of almonds.  Most antioxidants are found in the amazing array of fruits and vegetables at your local grocer.

We hear from many sources about the benefits of these wonderful nutrients, but how many of us really try to incorporate them into our diet?  One of the best ways to make a change is to create a way to be constantly reminded of your goal. 
So, it is my opinion that every home should have a 
Plate of Antioxidants!  
A central location in your kitchen is ideal.  Mine sits on the kitchen table and looks like this:

Not only does this tempt you, it creates an attitude of joy and beauty for food.  Every thing on that plate is packed with nutrition and you will find yourself complementing your meals with it because it is right in front of you.  It will inspire you to power up your dishes, or give a fast snack to your kiddo after school.

Are you looking for a quick snack?  How about grabbing one of those oranges and slicing it into wedges?  Then take the kiwi, cut it in half and scoop out the sweetness?  Add a handful of almonds and you (or your kiddo) will be quite pleased.  Add a bit of cheese and they will be in heaven!  Fresh pineapple is a snap - just cut it up (see my first blog ) while you're asking about how school went.  Your kid will associate natural healthy food with warm positive conversations.

Who can resist good food and music? Get some upbeat music playing and just have fun!  
Dance in your kitchen! 

And Let Me Know How It Goes!
~ Rose

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holiday Bliss; Nutritional Abyss?

               Hello again!

Holidays often derail our best health plans.  I've been treading water with my goals lately.  I do believe that food is as much for enjoyment as it is for nourishment... but I think those yummy frosted cookies have tipped the balance! So, should I feel guilty?

Holidays foods can transcend us to a higher plane of joy.  I'm talking about your Mom's mashed potatoes, and your Grandpa's fudge and my frosted sugar cookies.

We associate these foods with warm memories and being with people who make us feel wonderful.  I would like to see someone study the effects of this.  Wait a minute!  They already have and their results tell us that those holiday meals can be more therapeutic than any medicine. 

For only a few holidays each year, we allow ourselves the luxury of putting our work and world pressures on hold to share a couple of hours with those we love.  Perhaps we can allow some delicious food too. 

Nutritional Abyss? Bah humbug.

~ Rose

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sports Drinks or Water?

Hello again!

Do you send a sports drink with your child when they go work out with the team?

 Do you feel guilty about it?  Is it the dire sugar warnings that leave you with a guilty conscience?  Most sports drinks have a small amount of vitamins, electrolytes and sugar.  They do not provide any edge to their performance.   

Yes, water is really the best fluid for them. 

But should you ban sports drinks?  Are they harmful?  If you have a child/young adult who is an athlete putting in >12 hours per week, you can forget about it.  It's equivalent to eating a cookie.  Let's be clear that these drinks are treats, not intelligent fluid replacement.  And like a cookie, one 12 oz bottle is not going to hurt every now and then.  Sports drinks do not come close to the benefits of simple water.

Let's just put our guilt on hold and think about this from another perspective.  Do you workout for 30 minutes daily?  I do, and when I can't go outside I'm on the treadmill. 
  • 3 miles on a treadmill at 9 min/mile = 475 calories burned
  • That's 27 minutes of sustained cardio exertion
  • For YOUR KID: 12 hrs/wk = 105 min/day
  • Okay, so they are probably not intense for the entire 105 minutes, so let's be fair and cut that actual cardio stress estimate to 54 minutes
  • That's 2 x my treadmill work out, which translates to..
  • 950 calories per day JUST to exercise

A 12 oz bottle of sports drink is 80 calories.
It is not worth the battle.  They can HAVE the extra sugar.  No, it is not a great choice, but it is also not like they are downing a 250 calorie can of pop.  Kids need boundaries, but a strict ban on a food item will only increase it's influence on them.

So relax a little and set your mind to making the remaining 800+ calories count. 
And make sure you are sending a 32oz bottle of water with them as well.

    • Vegetable juice   50 calories, high in vitamins and minerals
    • Apple                  50 calories, high in vitamin C
    • Baby carrots       50 calories, high in vitamin A
    • Banana               75 calories, high in potassium
    • Cantaloupe        100 calories, high in vitamin C
    • Cheese              150 calories, high in calcium and protein
    • Granola bar        200 calories, high in fiber, B vitamins and complex carbs
    • Smoothie            250 calories, high in fiber, antioxidants, calcium, protein
    • Tuna pita            250 calories, high in protein, DHA

Time commitment:  10 minutes to make the smoothie or pita, and the rest you can find in pre-packaged form.  Sometimes I send extra fruit so my young athlete can share.  This opens social doors for them as well and fosters a team that supports each other. 

My favorites:
Container of raspberries
Slices of polish sausage
Cheese wheels
A tupperware full of sliced oranges
Apple slices with peanut butter

Until next time,
Let me know how it goes!