
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Step Into Nutrition (SIN)

Step Into Nutrition

Healthy eating is soooooooo easy!!

Why do people resist?  So much energy is spent on resisting.

That sugar rush is powerful, but it sends you into a roller-coaster physically and often emotionally. Maybe it's time to stop resisting the good food recommendations and just accept it, eat well and discover what I love to blog about.  Food glorious food!  It is truly a part of finding your inner peace and it is equally addicting.

"We don't like what we don't understand - In fact it scares us!"
   - quote from the Disney movie "Beauty and the Beast" from the song the villagers chant as they pursue Beast during a night march.  I've always appreciated these insightful lyrics.

We all have our beasts (or demons).  What does that have to do with food?  It has everything to do with our choices.  Do we let our fears dominate our choices?  Or do we dare to step into something new, despite the consequences?  And for nutrition, consequences of good nutrition = clarity, joy, peace and health.  If you are scared of these things, then you are shutting out your true potential.

Keep it simple and start with a few guidelines:
  • Drink water
  • Breathe deeply and frequently
  • Make a salad every day
  • Keep snacks natural: an avocado, an apple, carrots sticks, edamame 
  • Attitude of Gratitude 
  • Eat a total intake of 50% raw fruits and veggies
  • Make one new recipe a week from a vegetarian cookbook
  • Laugh daily
Yes,  the non-food guidelines are just as essential.  They make it all worthwhile.
You cannot really criticize this post until you've applied it for a week.  Chances are you will discover more than just good food.

Food is a gift that you give to yourself.  Discover its power and start a new adventure!

~ Rose

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sea Salt

"If it tastes good it must be bad for you!"

Do you ever feel guilty about eating delicious food?  Time and again we are warned about the dangers of food.  We are told that just about every food is bad for us - especially salt. 

The problem is that many people depend on prepared foods for nourishment.  These are laden with sodium - an effective preservative.  Microwave meals, fast foods, canned soups, canned vegetables and sodas are full of sodium.  When consumed in this way, the sodium contributes to hardened arteries, which contributes to high blood pressure and heart disease.  

Us perfectionists out there think that this means every dash of salt is a nail in the coffin, right?  Why are we so hard on ourselves??  Be your own conscience - don't be ruled by the latest studies.  Odds are a new study will contradict those findings in a year or so anyway.  Are they the voice in your ear, serving up your meal with a side of guilt?

How about stepping back from the fray and looking at your life, your food and your attitude.  Does stress drive you to eat without awareness?  Is your food >50% processed?  Do you enjoy your food or assume it will be your demise?  The reality is that you are in control.  So, be aware and be happy. Ask yourself - is 50% or more of my food from a box or can?  If so, then you need to make changes and the media is justified in their attempts at guilting you!!

Are you making your own meals from natural foods >50% of the time?  Then you are on a great track for a lovely balanced life!  And use sea salt to flavor your meals.  It tastes great and carries many additional helpful nutrients as well.

I personally love to add salt to my food.  But I also prefer natural foods.  I choose sea salt.  In fact, that processed white stuff called sodium chloride is not in my home at all.  Sorry Morton girl, but I do not find the bleaching and anti-clumping chemicals as desirable add-ins. 

Sea Salt

 Sea salt.  

It carries minerals as well as salt. Minerals are co-factors that are required for digestion and enzyme pathways throughout the body. By using sea salt we assist our body in digestion and detoxification.  We can trust nature and embrace it's flavors.  You will find sea salt superior in taste as well.

Salt is crucial to our survival.  Our bodies need it to maintain fluid balance.  Our cells need it to stay hydrated and communicate with other cells.  Salt is elemental to us all.

 My favorite green beans are fresh from the garden with butter and a dash of sea salt.  Yum.

Let me know how it goes!

~ Rose