Healthy eating is soooooooo easy!!
Why do people resist? So much energy is spent on resisting.
That sugar rush is powerful, but it sends you into a roller-coaster physically and often emotionally. Maybe it's time to stop resisting the good food recommendations and just accept it, eat well and discover what I love to blog about. Food glorious food! It is truly a part of finding your inner peace and it is equally addicting.
"We don't like what we don't understand - In fact it scares us!"
- quote from the Disney movie "Beauty and the Beast" from the song the villagers chant as they pursue Beast during a night march. I've always appreciated these insightful lyrics.
We all have our beasts (or demons). What does that have to do with food? It has everything to do with our choices. Do we let our fears dominate our choices? Or do we dare to step into something new, despite the consequences? And for nutrition, consequences of good nutrition = clarity, joy, peace and health. If you are scared of these things, then you are shutting out your true potential.

Keep it simple and start with a few guidelines:
- Drink water
- Breathe deeply and frequently
- Make a salad every day
- Keep snacks natural: an avocado, an apple, carrots sticks, edamame
- Attitude of Gratitude
- Eat a total intake of 50% raw fruits and veggies
- Make one new recipe a week from a vegetarian cookbook
- Laugh daily
You cannot really criticize this post until you've applied it for a week. Chances are you will discover more than just good food.
Food is a gift that you give to yourself. Discover its power and start a new adventure!