Artificial sugars are EVIL!!!!!!!
And institutions across the country are embracing them as a solution.
Yes, America is an obese nation.
It is shocking how fat we are.
And devastating how dumb.
Our American culture is a quick fix, immediate gratification and minimal accountability lie. So, if we're fat, it is not "fork-in-the-mouth-disease" that is the root cause, but rather we are victims of sugar LADEN foods. If we can fix the foods, then we won't be fat.
New York city has limited the super size soda drink. The University of Michigan Hospital is banning sugary sodas - and only offer "Diet" sodas in vending machines. High schools are banning soda pop, and replacing them with zero calorie flavored drinks. What are we stupid? Apparently.
It is SHAMEFUL that this is the endorsed solution.
Real health stems from embracing healthy habits and natural foods. Natural Sugar is not evil. Do you know that the human brain uses GLUCOSE as its fuel??? That glucose is natural sugar to you and me. Sugar in foods is there for a reason - because we NEED it!!
Or...... You can can ingest an artificial sweetener that is supposed to trick your body into believing it is getting a ton of natural sugar. It is most prevalent in soda drinks. Zero calories, all the taste. Yes, that's right, immediate gratification without the cost. WRONG
What is the cost? We don't want to think about what happens inside our bodies when we ingest a sweetener that is fake. These are manufactured sugar substitutes. That means they are made in a lab. Your body has no idea what to do with such a substance. It is not a natural form of sugar like fructose or glucose. These natural forms of sugar are easily processed and utilized to fuel your brain and body. Instead you have given your body a poison. It wants to use the artificial sweetener as fuel, but cannot. You have lied to your body and told it that a lot of energy is coming in, and when your body cannot convert the artificial sweetener to energy, it signals you to eat more. Meanwhile your liver is hard at work trying to figure out how to export this toxin out of your body. Do you know what happens when the liver cannot export a toxin? It wraps it up into a fat cell and stores it our of harms way. Some day that fat cell will release this poison and will make you sick, and you will not understand it because you did everything right and avoided sugary foods.
It is a Disturbing Assumption that artificial sweeteners are a superior choice. And organizations are endorsing this solution at at hospitals where people are trying to learn how to become healthy again. Or at schools where children are learning and impressionable.
You want to be healthy? Then EAT HEALTHY. Healthy is not diet soda. Just take a look at the diet soda drinkers around you - most of them are quite overweight. It doesn't work. The only way to have health is to earn it, and stay close to nature. If you want to be naughty and enjoy ice cream, soda or a piece of cake - then do it! But mostly, you need to eat healthy and exercise.
Don't follow this dangerous trend. Think healthy, act healthy, be healthy!
~ Rose