Artificial sugars are EVIL!!!!!!!
And institutions across the country are embracing them as a solution.
Yes, America is an obese nation.
It is shocking how fat we are.
And devastating how dumb.
Our American culture is a quick fix, immediate gratification and minimal accountability lie. So, if we're fat, it is not "fork-in-the-mouth-disease" that is the root cause, but rather we are victims of sugar LADEN foods. If we can fix the foods, then we won't be fat.
New York city has limited the super size soda drink. The University of Michigan Hospital is banning sugary sodas - and only offer "Diet" sodas in vending machines. High schools are banning soda pop, and replacing them with zero calorie flavored drinks. What are we stupid? Apparently.
It is SHAMEFUL that this is the endorsed solution.
Real health stems from embracing healthy habits and natural foods. Natural Sugar is not evil. Do you know that the human brain uses GLUCOSE as its fuel??? That glucose is natural sugar to you and me. Sugar in foods is there for a reason - because we NEED it!!
Or...... You can can ingest an artificial sweetener that is supposed to trick your body into believing it is getting a ton of natural sugar. It is most prevalent in soda drinks. Zero calories, all the taste. Yes, that's right, immediate gratification without the cost. WRONG
What is the cost? We don't want to think about what happens inside our bodies when we ingest a sweetener that is fake. These are manufactured sugar substitutes. That means they are made in a lab. Your body has no idea what to do with such a substance. It is not a natural form of sugar like fructose or glucose. These natural forms of sugar are easily processed and utilized to fuel your brain and body. Instead you have given your body a poison. It wants to use the artificial sweetener as fuel, but cannot. You have lied to your body and told it that a lot of energy is coming in, and when your body cannot convert the artificial sweetener to energy, it signals you to eat more. Meanwhile your liver is hard at work trying to figure out how to export this toxin out of your body. Do you know what happens when the liver cannot export a toxin? It wraps it up into a fat cell and stores it our of harms way. Some day that fat cell will release this poison and will make you sick, and you will not understand it because you did everything right and avoided sugary foods.
It is a Disturbing Assumption that artificial sweeteners are a superior choice. And organizations are endorsing this solution at at hospitals where people are trying to learn how to become healthy again. Or at schools where children are learning and impressionable.
You want to be healthy? Then EAT HEALTHY. Healthy is not diet soda. Just take a look at the diet soda drinkers around you - most of them are quite overweight. It doesn't work. The only way to have health is to earn it, and stay close to nature. If you want to be naughty and enjoy ice cream, soda or a piece of cake - then do it! But mostly, you need to eat healthy and exercise.
Don't follow this dangerous trend. Think healthy, act healthy, be healthy!
~ Rose
Nutrition by Rose
Expert Nutrition Advice for Every Day Living
Friday, October 11, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
It takes a lot longer to get in shape when you're older.

You are taking an inactive body and transforming it into an active body. This process needs respect.
Listening to your body as you move forward is the key. Just remember you're not 20 anymore!
1) Do not exercise every day.
Most people who decide to "get into shape" launch themselves full tilt into a program that is not suited to them. This is a great way to build discouragement and low self-esteem. If you think you need a plastic paper thin model to motivate you with some group exercise video - well you better think twice. I promise you the program will be full of highly motivated people who look like they are the happiest people on earth and are probably 20 years younger. These are not realistic role models.
2) Find a buddy
Accountability is one way to keep yourself going. It's the getting started that is often the greater
challenge. Accountability will get you started and keep you committed.
3) Listen to your body, but don't panic
There are no short cuts. It just takes time to tone and strengthen your body. You will be sore now and then. As you get older, your body will complain more too. So push your body a little bit and give it more time to recover. Ideally you will work up to 30 minutes 3-4 x week.
4) Start slow
May I suggest just walking 1 mile once or twice a week? Get your headphones and enjoy some music. Get your dog and enjoy the fresh air. Get your friend and talk while you walk. You will feel so good because you've taken lots of deep breaths and increased blood flow to every organ and cell!
5) Mix it up
One dimensional training will bore you. If the weather is not cooperating, find a sports club that allows drop in classes. These are usually about $10 for an hour. You will meet people and you will do something new. Yoga, Jazzercise, Zumba or open swim. This is a great way to try out a class without parting with a chunk of change.
6) Breathe
Are you going through every day as a "Shallow breather"? Most people do as they get older. When was the last time you counted to 7 to take a deep breath? Your lungs deliver the essential nutrient OXYGEN to your cells and remove carbon dioxide. Next time you take a deep breath - stand up, shoulders back and feel how your body moves. With each breath there is a gentle massage of abdominal organs (stomach, liver, pancreas, kidney, intestines). How do you hold your shoulders? If you are generally hunched then you a squashing your vital organs. They cannot function easily if they are pinched. Notice the difference when you sit up straight.
7) Advance your workout when it makes sense
It took me years to realize that I was pushing too hard too fast. I worked up to a half marathon in 10 months. Nope, hadn't run in a few years - duh. I drained myself so completely that I was shaking and could barely stand after that race. When I tried to exercise after that, my hands would swell and I had no stamina. Of course I had not learned my lesson and was trying to run 5 miles at a pop - after all, I ran that half marathon! Classic. I did not give myself time to recover, I did not listen to my body. I became highly frustrated and quite running for several YEARS.
8) Don't give up!
Since committing to exercising 3x a week, I have worked up to running a few miles at a slow pace. I couldn't do it on the first try or even the tenth. But what I DID do is listen. If I was out of breath or tired, I honored that - and just walked until I felt okay enough to jog a bit more. Sometimes I stopped 5 times - but I knew that moving was better than sitting. It just feels good to feel good.
9) Create motivation
Set a goal that is reasonable and achievable. Is it a 5K run? A tennis match? A Tae Kwon Do belt? It is actually a fun way to get out and see that there are MANY other people are doing this too! You might discover a great friendship!
10) Lift weights
Once a week. Hand held weights are cheap and a great way to start. Strengthen the muscle groups that you don't normally use. You want to develop a balanced body. Yes - ONCE a week! It's amazing how quickly 10-15 curls and overhead lifts can change your muscle tone.
Remember that it takes time to change an inactive body into an active body. I think it will take me about 3 years to make that transition. It is consistency over flash that rules the day. And it will only take you about 20 minutes 3xweek.

You are taking an inactive body and transforming it into an active body. This process needs respect.
Listening to your body as you move forward is the key. Just remember you're not 20 anymore!
1) Do not exercise every day.
Most people who decide to "get into shape" launch themselves full tilt into a program that is not suited to them. This is a great way to build discouragement and low self-esteem. If you think you need a plastic paper thin model to motivate you with some group exercise video - well you better think twice. I promise you the program will be full of highly motivated people who look like they are the happiest people on earth and are probably 20 years younger. These are not realistic role models.

Accountability is one way to keep yourself going. It's the getting started that is often the greater
challenge. Accountability will get you started and keep you committed.
3) Listen to your body, but don't panic
There are no short cuts. It just takes time to tone and strengthen your body. You will be sore now and then. As you get older, your body will complain more too. So push your body a little bit and give it more time to recover. Ideally you will work up to 30 minutes 3-4 x week.
4) Start slow
May I suggest just walking 1 mile once or twice a week? Get your headphones and enjoy some music. Get your dog and enjoy the fresh air. Get your friend and talk while you walk. You will feel so good because you've taken lots of deep breaths and increased blood flow to every organ and cell!

One dimensional training will bore you. If the weather is not cooperating, find a sports club that allows drop in classes. These are usually about $10 for an hour. You will meet people and you will do something new. Yoga, Jazzercise, Zumba or open swim. This is a great way to try out a class without parting with a chunk of change.
6) Breathe
Are you going through every day as a "Shallow breather"? Most people do as they get older. When was the last time you counted to 7 to take a deep breath? Your lungs deliver the essential nutrient OXYGEN to your cells and remove carbon dioxide. Next time you take a deep breath - stand up, shoulders back and feel how your body moves. With each breath there is a gentle massage of abdominal organs (stomach, liver, pancreas, kidney, intestines). How do you hold your shoulders? If you are generally hunched then you a squashing your vital organs. They cannot function easily if they are pinched. Notice the difference when you sit up straight.
7) Advance your workout when it makes sense
It took me years to realize that I was pushing too hard too fast. I worked up to a half marathon in 10 months. Nope, hadn't run in a few years - duh. I drained myself so completely that I was shaking and could barely stand after that race. When I tried to exercise after that, my hands would swell and I had no stamina. Of course I had not learned my lesson and was trying to run 5 miles at a pop - after all, I ran that half marathon! Classic. I did not give myself time to recover, I did not listen to my body. I became highly frustrated and quite running for several YEARS.
8) Don't give up!
Since committing to exercising 3x a week, I have worked up to running a few miles at a slow pace. I couldn't do it on the first try or even the tenth. But what I DID do is listen. If I was out of breath or tired, I honored that - and just walked until I felt okay enough to jog a bit more. Sometimes I stopped 5 times - but I knew that moving was better than sitting. It just feels good to feel good.
9) Create motivation
Set a goal that is reasonable and achievable. Is it a 5K run? A tennis match? A Tae Kwon Do belt? It is actually a fun way to get out and see that there are MANY other people are doing this too! You might discover a great friendship!

Once a week. Hand held weights are cheap and a great way to start. Strengthen the muscle groups that you don't normally use. You want to develop a balanced body. Yes - ONCE a week! It's amazing how quickly 10-15 curls and overhead lifts can change your muscle tone.
Remember that it takes time to change an inactive body into an active body. I think it will take me about 3 years to make that transition. It is consistency over flash that rules the day. And it will only take you about 20 minutes 3xweek.
And make it fun!
~ Rose
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Adventures in Eggplant
What do you do with eggplant??Purple and blobby - and shaped like a cheap balloon.
Who wants to eat THAT?
Well, I do!
I've mastered tofu, tempeh and even enjoyed kombucha - ah, but EGGPLANT? No. Haven't gone there. It's so tough, spongy and unforgiving.
I'm no Iron Chef, but I was up for this culinary battle. My first attempts were, shall we just say, spectacular? My presentation was terrible - it looked like an alien had melted on my plate. And the melt-in-your-mouth factor was missing; in fact, it tasted awful. The only way it was even decent was breaded and fried. Well, anything can taste good that way! So no points from round one.

Only then did I really make progress. And NO, I did not use any recipes. That takes the magic out of cooking for me. To cook is to play, and to bake is to follow. Cooking releases creative juices and is a great pleasure for my senses. I love the way the house smells now when I make eggplant.
Round three: So I tried different variations, and eventually found that a slow simmer in olive oil, a touch of butter and some sesame oil were the key flavor notes. Then I could mix it with anything including spinach, carrots, mushrooms, almonds, ginger and onion. It has a soft texture that gently surrounds the other veggies. Eggplant is now a regular in my weekly grocery run.
My Next Adventure:

Never mind that I make fresh-salsa-to-die-for! Tomato sauce, um, I just don't know. Somehow I think the eggplant was the easier task.

Let me know how it goes!
~ Rose
Monday, May 27, 2013
Sugar: The Good, The Bad, The BALANCE

Glucose is the molecule that sugar is made of. We need glucose to function. It fuels our brain, our muscles, our organs and every cell! So if we need so much of it, why is it bad? It's not bad if it comes from a natural food. The sugar in natural foods is attached to multiple nutrients and co-factors that enhance their
absorption as well as fiber that slows the absorption. Natural foods
also have more complex sugar molecules so it takes more time to raise
blood sugar levels.THE BAD

you know this causes a "crash" or sugar low. This can feel very bad - dizzy, shaky, stomach ache, fuzzy thinking and sweaty.
What would happen if your body let all that sugar stay in your blood stream?
Some diabetics have this issue and it is related to a weak or absent insulin response. Those sugar molecules can cause a lot of damage to small blood vessels which impacts our nerves and organs. (Peripheral neuropathies and heart disease to name a few) Do you know anyone who is diabetic? They check their blood sugar regularly so it stays in a safe range thus preventing vessel and organ damage. So it is a high priority for the body to maintain the right BALANCE of sugar.
How we use sugar (glucose):
- Maintain Brain function
- Muscle action
- Organ function
- Build up energy stores in the liver
- Storage in cells
Natural foods provide us with the answer. Fruit has a simple structure and the glucose (sugar molecule) can be utilized by your body quickly, giving fuel for those immediate tasks. Most fruit however only comes with a sensible amount of glucose, so the intake of this simple sugar is gentle on your system. There is no excess of sugar, so there will be no "crash". Whole grains and vegetables are called complex carbohydrates. This is another way to say complex sugars. Their structure requires more time for digestion, so their sugars are released gradually giving us a long acting source of glucose. Ahh. There's the magic. It is the source of fuel that makes the difference.
Now, let's say your body has been fed well today and you are ready to do some exercise. As your muscles begin to work the demand for glucose increases. Your body is very smart and takes what is first available - that would be any sugars circulating in your bloodstream. Remember that lunch meal filled with complex carbohydrates (complex sugars)? Your digestive system is gradually breaking these down and giving you a slow steady release of glucose. Once those are used up, the cells begin to release their stored sugars. Finally the liver begins to process the glycogen stores, breaking them down into usable molecules of glucose and sends them into the bloodstream to be carried to your muscles. This is a very nice system and works well for your body.
However, your body will eventually run out of glycogen - then what? Your body kicks into a protein
breakdown mode which will provide you with smaller amount of glucose. Remember your body will do what it needs to do keep running. So if you can be strategic about how you eat, you can fuel yourself for a good work out and minimize the protein breakdown. This can be accomplished during your workout by taking small bites of fruit every 30 minutes to keep fueling your body. Some prefer sports drinks which also provide small amounts of simple sugars.

By following these simple tips, you will find your workouts more efficient, balanced and rewarding. You will feel good because you have mastered the Good, the Bad and created the Balance.
Let me know how it goes!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
The Atkins Diet - a critique
Recently a new version of the Atkins diet has emerged. It is hitting the market full force, with recipe books, dieting strategies, and 30 minute meals. The original diet was wildly popular. Will this create a new wave of devotees? While the original diet peaked in popularity around 2004, and mushroomed into a profitable business for Atkins, it has since faded. Dr Atkins has passed and his Atkins Nutritionals has gone bankrupt. Let's hope that people are smarter this time around. I believe that this diet is dangerous and here is why:
The Atkin's diet severely restricts carbohydrates forcing the body to function on fat as a fuel source. Fat is not a good source of fiber or nutrition, or even fuel. Many research studies have proven that a high fat diet leads to heart disease. Even if one loses weight with this diet, it does not create a healthy body. This illusion however is enough to convince hard-core carnivores that a high meat based diet is healthy.
Here's how he did it:
Dr. Atkins created a weight loss program which resets the body's metabolism to burn fat instead of carbohydrates. Dr. Atkins claimed that not only would the dieter burn unwanted fat, but he would achieve it while eating delicious foods and without the unpleasant experience of hunger or cravings. He promised long-term weight management and relief from chronic problems such as hypertension and other “metabolic disorders.”
Here's how he did it:
Dr. Atkins created a weight loss program which resets the body's metabolism to burn fat instead of carbohydrates. Dr. Atkins claimed that not only would the dieter burn unwanted fat, but he would achieve it while eating delicious foods and without the unpleasant experience of hunger or cravings. He promised long-term weight management and relief from chronic problems such as hypertension and other “metabolic disorders.”
The Atkin diet works by taking advantage of the way the body processes food for energy. Normally the body will prioritize its quest
for fuel by first turning to carbohydrates, second from protein and third from
fat. Glucose is the primary fuel for the human
body and it is abundantly available from carbohydrates. Carbohydrate restriction causes the body to turn to alternative sources for fuel. Protein can provide some glucose, but the body cannot afford to breakdown muscle and organ tissue, so after about 10 days, the body turns to fat for energy.
Fat-burning generates large amounts of
ketones, and virtually no glucose. Most
of the body can utilize ketones for fuel, except for the red blood cells and
parts of the brain which can only use glucose for fuel. As a
result, there is limited glucose for critical functions and the level of ketones rise in the blood. As ketones rise, the pH drops which is
called keto-acidosis.
Acidosis is associated with numerous disease
states including asthma, diabetes and cancer.
Yet, Atkins’ called this a “corrective metabolic approach.” The body needs to maintain its blood pH in a very narrow
range of 6.9-7.2, preferring to stay slightly alkalotic at 7.0 or above. When the body is in acidosis, the pH is less
than 7.0 and the body is continuously stressed as it tries to correct the pH
through a variety of mechanisms. One of
these mechanisms is to buffer it with alkalizing nutrients which are drawn from
the tissues. This will naturally weaken
the tissues and sets the stage for illness. Another method to buffer the acidosis is to reduce the
ketone level by releasing them through the urine, and by exhalation through the
lungs. This is why the breath of Atkins
devotees has a strong odor.
side effect of a fat-burning metabolism is a diminished appetite. Any seasoned dieter will attest to the fact
that when one limits caloric intake for 10 days or more, the appetite fades, as
do cravings. Atkins however, misled
the reader to think that their diminished appetite was a natural result of
superior nutrition. Later he contradicted this by admitting that his diet was deficient in certain nutrients, so he recommended his “VitaNutrient”
supplement. A large percentage of
vitamins and minerals are found in vegetables, which are complex carbohydrates,
which Atkins restricted. By limiting
carbohydrates, one limits the vitamin and mineral intake, thus requiring
There were 3 phases to his plan; the minimum of 6 weeks and the maximum up to 6
months or longer. The first phase which
he called the “induction phase” had 12 rules about what foods to eat, how often,
the amount of carbohydrates, and bans on junk food such as sugar, caffeine,
soda or alcohol. During “induction” the carbohydrates were severely restricted to only 20 grams, instead of the normal 60grams. Once the
fat-burning metabolism had set in, one had reached the end of “induction.”
second phase allowed the dieter to increase carbohydrates by 5grams a week, which
would take one up to 40 grams after 6 weeks - still short of the normal 60. This kept the body burning fat which created
a long-term acidosis, further weakening the tissues by depleting them of their
buffering nutrients, including calcium.
The third phase was “maintenance” where the person was encouraged to figure out their ideal carbohydrate intake and to simply continue to “count carbs instead of calories” for easy weight management.
The third phase was “maintenance” where the person was encouraged to figure out their ideal carbohydrate intake and to simply continue to “count carbs instead of calories” for easy weight management.
Atkins did not dwell on the costs of the program, as it did not require
membership or special meals. However, he was happy to have developed acceptable alternatives to muffins and bread which
can be purchased to help “count carbs.” They were considered acceptable because they were baked with sugar substitutes. Atkins himself had blamed these same evil food additives for obesity and disease, but which he now rendered innocent –
apparently due to their profit-making capacity.
most fad diets, Dr. Atkins presented compelling success stories from a range of
people with health issues that had been aided through adherence to his diet
regimen. In addition, throughout his book he deliberately
attempted to persuade people on an emotional level by claiming that counting carbs instead of
calories was:
“…galloping into acceptance among scientists…”
“…a food lover’s dream come true”
that this kind of weight loss is “effortless and
that lipolysis (fat-burning) is “as delightful
as sex” !!!
He even stated, “I want to increase your enthusiasm to a fever-pitch.” So much for a rational science-based
approach to weight loss. This is where his
medical training failed him and profits altered his perceptions.
Atkins vehemently denied that the resulting keto-acidosis was dangerous, and he insisted that in
fact, keto-acidosis was a normal physiological state. He even encouraged dieters to purchase lipid
(pH) papers to show how they were in “lipolysis” -or a fat-burning state - which was really acidosis! His medical degree was enough to convince the
lay person who wanted to experience easy and orgasmic weight loss that he was
success of his program can be found in that most people do not want to sacrifice
their favorite fat-laden, high cholesterol foods in order to lose weight. The dieter was given license to indulge in these
kinds of foods and feel safe doing so because it was advocated by a doctor. It
seemed that the good Dr. Atkins was content to rest his laurels on the sheer
number of people he had encouraged to follow his special diet. He stated that because he was a full time
medical practitioner, he did not have time to conduct studies or publish his
results, and that the success of this program was self-evident. Most people understand that simply losing weight does not equal health. While this diet is successful in helping people lose weight, it is widely regarded as a poor lifestyle change.
studies have shown that if a person were to start exercising, reduce junk food,
reduce overall calories, and start drinking water instead of pop, that they
would very likely achieve the same weight loss, without disrupting the body’s
normal metabolism. But that is simply
not as exciting and fun as being part of the revolution that rebels against
sounds nutritional advice and common sense.
Many people still proudly talk about how they are “on Atkins” and how it has
helped them lose weight. Unfortunately,
the level of saturated fats in the Atkins’ diet are high, which is a well know
risk factor for heart disease. At the end of the day, the reader would be
better served with a change in lifestyle that included the reduction of
saturated fats, relaxation techniques and regular exercise. And those beautiful complex carbs can take center stage on your plate!
Let me know how it goes!
~ Rose
Let me know how it goes!
~ Rose
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Lease on Life
Nutrition has given me a new lease on life! When I finally started listening to my body and not anything else, my approach to food changed immediately.
It all started because I took a trip to the book store one day. When I got home I held a book that was titled, "May All Be Fed" by John Robbins. He was an extremist vegetarian exposing animal cruelty to me for the first time. This was work that I could not ignore - so I chose to become a vegetarian.
Redefining my diet was a gradual process of swapping out old recipes with new ones. There was definitely a learning curve because I was more actively creating my meals. The time commitment for meal prep however, was no greater than my old diet. These foods were very different, but strangely satisfying. Then I realized that I no longer craved meat, or sugar! Now that sounds crazy but it is true to this day. When you truly nourish your body, you realize that you have traded up because you feel so much better.
I began to ask myself if feeling that sugar rush was worth the crash. If the soda was even tasty, or if I was really enjoying that cereal. Did I want to buy meat that was raised on an unnatural diet? And did I feel right about eggs that have been mass produced by chickens stacked in cages?
No. No. No. No. And no.
We are under tremendous pressure to eat, eat and eat, with a side of guilt and a mug of brew to wash it down. Our minds are inundated with false advertising. Most of us know that the photographed foods we see in ads are so fake that they can last as long as a Twinkie. Yet we associate these images with success, good times and desire. Advertisers are experts at manipulation. So you need to ask yourself who is in charge.
How long have I been working at this? Well, I'm still crazy about healthy food and it has been over 20 years since I read that first book. I have received a "Master Nutrition Therapy" degree along the way. Occasionally someone figures out that I know a fair bit about this topic and they will begin to ask questions. Just the other day someone asked me if I had any ideas about what to make for dinner; they were just sick and tired of the same old thing. My response, "Squash!!" The look on her face - Priceless! Oh come on! Make some beautiful squash, a dark green salad, some rice and BBQ chicken. (baby steps right?) She dismissed me and said she could never eat that! Now really, what does she want?

Obviously she is not used to listening to her body. Her need to please her spouse was much greater than taking care of herself. Countless times I have met people who emphatically state that they just don't have the time to eat right. And others who are convinced that we are carnivores. And others who just want to disagree. Don't forget the ones who just want to complain and have no real interest in change.
All I know is that these foods have changed my life, and I will continue to live what I know my body needs. I look younger that most people my age and I am more active, vital and happy too. You are the only person who will put food in your mouth, so what's it gonna be?
~ Rose

Redefining my diet was a gradual process of swapping out old recipes with new ones. There was definitely a learning curve because I was more actively creating my meals. The time commitment for meal prep however, was no greater than my old diet. These foods were very different, but strangely satisfying. Then I realized that I no longer craved meat, or sugar! Now that sounds crazy but it is true to this day. When you truly nourish your body, you realize that you have traded up because you feel so much better.

No. No. No. No. And no.
We are under tremendous pressure to eat, eat and eat, with a side of guilt and a mug of brew to wash it down. Our minds are inundated with false advertising. Most of us know that the photographed foods we see in ads are so fake that they can last as long as a Twinkie. Yet we associate these images with success, good times and desire. Advertisers are experts at manipulation. So you need to ask yourself who is in charge.
How long have I been working at this? Well, I'm still crazy about healthy food and it has been over 20 years since I read that first book. I have received a "Master Nutrition Therapy" degree along the way. Occasionally someone figures out that I know a fair bit about this topic and they will begin to ask questions. Just the other day someone asked me if I had any ideas about what to make for dinner; they were just sick and tired of the same old thing. My response, "Squash!!" The look on her face - Priceless! Oh come on! Make some beautiful squash, a dark green salad, some rice and BBQ chicken. (baby steps right?) She dismissed me and said she could never eat that! Now really, what does she want?

Obviously she is not used to listening to her body. Her need to please her spouse was much greater than taking care of herself. Countless times I have met people who emphatically state that they just don't have the time to eat right. And others who are convinced that we are carnivores. And others who just want to disagree. Don't forget the ones who just want to complain and have no real interest in change.
All I know is that these foods have changed my life, and I will continue to live what I know my body needs. I look younger that most people my age and I am more active, vital and happy too. You are the only person who will put food in your mouth, so what's it gonna be?
~ Rose
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Supplements Make Sense
We are told that fresh fruits and vegetables are allies in maintaining our health.
I am telling you that this is true!
But most of the produce at the supermarket is sprayed with chemicals to improve the appearance. Some grocery produce has been irradiated in order to kill bacteria which prolongs shelf life. Friend or foe? A love hate relationship? In this era of processed groceries, our food sources are less vital, less nutrient dense, and less fresh.
The reality is that most of us have little time to spare, so the food at the grocery store may be our best option. So, let's be honest:
1. Grocery produce is better than no produce
2. Grocery produce is not as nutritious as fresh produce from a local garden
This is where supplements make sense. Unless you have time to grow fresh veggies in the summer, and freeze, dry or can the extra, then you will not get the natural nutrition you need. Our health depends on cellular health; cells build tissues, tissues build organs, organs build systems (that's you and me). Inadequate nutrition will impact us first on the cellular level.
There have been many research studies linking improper nutritional intake to health disorders.
- A diet high in red meat can contribute to the development of colon cancer.
- A diet high in refined sugars and fat can contribute to the development of diabetes
- A diet high in fruits and vegetables can reduce your risk of colon cancer
- A diet high in fiber and fish can reduce your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and stoke
Where do we start?
Is a multivitamin enough? No.
Did you know that you only absorb a fraction of the actual nutrients? Commercial multivitamins are cheap band-aids that use inferior materials. For example, a multi might contain calcium in the form of calcium carbonate. This is also what chalk is made of - and guess what? - your body can't get much calcium out of it! But if you take calcium citrate with Vit D, then you will get 3 times the benefit! You are far better off targeting the essentials and getting them in a high quality product.
These are my Fab Five Favorites
1) B-Vitamins
2) Antioxidants ACES
3) DHA
4) Magnesium
5) Calcium citrate with Vit D
- B-vitamins are needed for energy pathways
- Antioxidants protect cell membranes
- DHA is needed for brain function, hormonal balance, and keeps cell membranes flexible. Flexible healthy cells are better at everything. Cells build tissues, tissues build organs, and organs build system - creating a beautiful human being!
- Magnesium is needed for heart function, and is required in over 200 enzyme pathways which regulate cellular function to proper digestion
- Calcium is needed for strong bones and muscle contraction
When we can't get fresh foods, then we will be challenged to stay healthy. Supplements can bridge this gap. I know that I feel a difference when I take mine.
Here's to balance, health and good nutrition!
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